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by BrainsickHater
Fri May 01, 2015 2:45 pm
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 302540

I picked up Grixis Delver and just thought I'd share my experiences. Here's my list: [deck] Lands (18) 1 Blood Crypt 1 Darkslick Shores 3 Island 4 Polluted Delta 4 Scalding Tarn 2 Steam Vents 1 Sulfur Falls 1 Swamp 1 Watery Grave Creatures (14) 4 Delver of Secrets 1 Gurmag Angler 3 Snapcaster Mage 2...
by BrainsickHater
Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:59 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Boss Sligh
Replies: 223
Views: 132792

I generally trim x-number of one-drops when I'm playing against black decks to diversify in the face of bile blight and to mititgate having to overcommit into drown in sorrow(this mostly applies to denizen). This is very interesting and makes a lot of sense. Having hands that scream Denizen > Drago...
by BrainsickHater
Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:11 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Boss Sligh
Replies: 223
Views: 132792

Generally if you're cutting one drops against a particular deck you're either sideboarding wrong or built your 75 wrong. Your x/1s may be weak to tokens but I'd rather cut cards like Stoke the Flames for more effective removal like Arc Lightning, Twin Bolt, and Scouring Sands. I haven't been cuttin...
by BrainsickHater
Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:29 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Boss Sligh
Replies: 223
Views: 132792

I'm wondering how people feel about cutting one-drops when sideboarding. I find my hands without one-drops to be considerably less good than those that do have them, but sometimes X/1s are really bad against certain decks (Jeskai Tokens for example). Is cutting one-drops fine when those one-drops ar...
by BrainsickHater
Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:33 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Jeskai Heroic Combo
Replies: 5
Views: 9433

Differences between our lists and comments: Seeker of the Way vs Trailblazer: I think Trailblazer is one of the best creatures in the deck. It blocks everything, buying time against aggro, and it dies to less things, meaning you have dudes in play when it's time to combo. Seeker is solid against agg...
by BrainsickHater
Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:27 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Jeskai Heroic Combo
Replies: 5
Views: 9433

I've recently picked up the deck as well. Here's my list which I stole from Matt Costa [deck] Creatures: 4 Monastery Swiftspear 4 Lagonna-Band Trailblazer 4 Akroan Crusader 3 Favored Hoplite Noncreature Permanents: 4 Springleaf Drum 4 Jeskai Ascendancy 4 Dragon's Mantle Spells: 4 Defiant Strike 4 Re...
by BrainsickHater
Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:12 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Jeskai Heroic Combo
Replies: 16
Views: 14192

What do people think of this Jeskai Heroic Combo list: [deck] Lands: 4 Battlefield Forge 4 Mana Confluence 4 Mystic Monastery 1 Plains 2 Shivan Reef 3 Temple of Enlightenment 2 Temple of Triumph Creatures: 4 Akroan Crusader 3 Hero of Iroas 2 Heliod's Pilgrim 4 Favored Hoplite 2 Seeker of the Way Non...
by BrainsickHater
Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:42 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Jeskai Heroic Combo
Replies: 16
Views: 14192

Maybe the deck wants Stratus Walk since it lets you soar over the ground and draws cards. I really wish this deck had more card draw since finding Ascendancy changes how good this deck is considerably.
by BrainsickHater
Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:37 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Jeskai Heroic Combo
Replies: 16
Views: 14192

I also thought Trailblazer was stupid, but I think jsilv is spot on in recognizing how good it is against aggro. I do think Jeskai Charm needs replacing tho. Treasure Cruise doesn't seem like a fit for this deck, but a one-of seems attractive because it lets you actually have cards in hand when you'...
by BrainsickHater
Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:53 am
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 302540

How do you SB to beat darkblast? I saw it mentioned in a comment and I can't think of the cards you would want.

EDIT: Do you go so far as to run GY hate like Relic or Crypt? That seems excessive.
by BrainsickHater
Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:12 am
Forum: Aggressive Variants
Replies: 1016
Views: 377720

I finally have pretty much all the cards I need for Jeskai, and I want to make the swap over from RW burn. However, I really like how aggressive RW is and I would like to be on an aggressive build of Jeskai. From what I've read, "aggressive" Jeskai lists usually run a high number of creatu...
by BrainsickHater
Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:28 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I like maindeck Ashcloud Phoenix and that would let you move the Banishing Lights to the side.
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:35 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I know that feeling. What is you main deck btw (you probably posted it earlier)? I haven't the necessary experience with the deck myself, so I can't really help. I'm unsure about those Ride Down and Deflecting Palm myself, but I haven't really seen them in action either. Have you considered Reprisa...
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:51 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I'm really just trying to get people to tell me if I'm right or wrong about things because I don't have the experience/time to find out for myself.
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:50 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Not nearly enough. Probably around 20. Unfortunately my addiction to this game is mostly fed vicariously through forums and articles when school is in session. This leads to my incessant posting because the next best thing to playing magic is thinking/talking about every chance I get. Apologies if I...
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:25 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Will be trying out this SB: [deck] 1 Chandra, Pyromaster 1 Ride Down 1 Deflecting Palm 1 Evolving Wilds 2 Erase 2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos 2 Banishing Light 2 Stormbreath Dragon 3 Hushwing Gryff [/deck] I will probably have to play something else instead of Brimaz's because they are a million dollars...
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:14 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Conflagration is bad. I wouldn't want it against Rhino, you don't gain any tempo/vca and they get a drain 3 trigger. Literally the only card I would want it for is Sarkhan, and drawing it whenever they don't have one seems really bad.
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:04 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Got more reps in and played against Jeskai 3 times and a mardu deck that seemed kind of similar to Brad Nelson's from GP LA. The first two games against Jeskai were won easily enough, their manabase was a huge liability. I lost games 2 and 3 against the mardu deck. Game 2 I threw very hard. In the f...
by BrainsickHater
Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:39 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Butcher too. Curving Hordeling Outburst into Butcher lets you haste+lifelink in aggro matchups which is just nuts.

One of my friends built a mardu tokens deck. It was overall pretty shaky, but it had the interactions Brad seems to have recognized as powerful, and they were very difficult to beat.
by BrainsickHater
Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:18 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

So last time I checked Brad Nelson was 11-2 with a version of this deck splashing black for Sorin, Butcher, Crackling Doom, and Murderous Cut. Possibly others but I've only seen what I saw.

The mardu variant may be real.
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:19 pm
Forum: Aggressive Variants
Replies: 1016
Views: 377720

I suppose if you feel that you don't have efficient answers to the threats they're going to play you should just play your dudes so you don't get buried in tempo.
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:18 pm
Forum: Aggressive Variants
Replies: 1016
Views: 377720

Most definitely
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:16 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Idk you want to be able to play control/win long games if necessary which isn't reasonable with a Master in play.

Also Master is mainly good against aggro and aggro has all but disappeared.
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:35 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Cuz those cards are just stronk
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:35 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I think that if you go black you get Doom and you also build around Sorin + Butcher of the Horde a little bit. You can cut some of the weaker burn spells and fill in the gaps left by Chained/blue spells with Token producers. Hordeling outburst has been very good against Jeskai and Raise the Alarm ha...
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:17 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I agree in that Lightning should be Searing Blood. And if you want the 12th mountain for Chained you can make your 23rd land an evolving wilds.
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:00 pm
Forum: Aggressive Variants
Replies: 1016
Views: 377720

CFBP's Jeskai; They make some good points, including; the presence of Disdainful Stroke , the absence of Chandra, Pyromaster and Magma Jet , and Temples vs. Mystic Monastery . Their sideboard plan involves siding out Seeker of...
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:58 pm
Forum: Aggressive Variants
Replies: 1016
Views: 377720

There's definitely an argument that they're both viable choices. Rabblemaster + Dig Through Time builds are likely better against control and more individually powerful overall. Strasky/Fliers builds are well-positioned against the metagame of Rhinos and big butts. I personally lean towards raw powe...
by BrainsickHater
Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:55 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

^^I agree.

However, Crackling Doom is a gross card and the idea isn't awful.
by BrainsickHater
Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:25 pm
Forum: Aggressive Variants
Replies: 1016
Views: 377720

Does your mana make you want to cry or has it been okay?
by BrainsickHater
Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:13 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I'll be pushing Jeskai as soon as I have cards. But it's RW for now.
by BrainsickHater
Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:59 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I think splashing for dig is impractical. You end up destroying the manabase trying to produce UU, and you lose Chained to the Rocks as well as the consistency of a RW manabase. At that point you should just play Jeskai.
by BrainsickHater
Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:26 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

For now I'm on Boros because I'm a broke-ass college student. Speaking of Boros, I'm really liking the look of Hordeling Outburst over Arc Lightning in the main. The card was very good for Brad Nelson against Jeskai, and it's still good against Aggro. Also is much better against control. Both cards ...
by BrainsickHater
Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:04 pm
Forum: Aggressive Variants
Replies: 1016
Views: 377720

If you're upping your land count to 25 lands then running 6 5-drops is obviously more reasonable. The "6 is too many" argument is about a 24-land manabase.
by BrainsickHater
Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:28 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

If you want to go bigger you should probably just play Jeskai. I was just starting to realize this. If you are cutting 1's, 2's, and 3 drops and going bigger, that lets you play more lands that come in to play tapped, which means you don't really have any reason to not just play 3 colors. Freedom F...
by BrainsickHater
Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:14 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

If you want to go bigger you should probably just play Jeskai.
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:36 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

He needs specific company like Tarmogoyf needs specific company; they're both powerful enough (in the formats in which they see play) that it takes very little to "enable" them and they fit in a wide variety of decks. In previous standard he was a curve-topper with high synergy in rabble-r...
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:44 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

If I'm siding in answers I want them to be able to hit Whip/Bow as well as the other stuff I need to deal with. That basically leaves Erase and Banishing Light, meaning I'm also probably on 2 Banishing Lights. I also ran Wear//Tear consistently the entire season and loved it the whole time. I get w...
by BrainsickHater
Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:43 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

Finally got a chance to play the deck at an FNM-style event. I did pretty poorly at 2-2, but finally got a non-zero amount of experience with new standard and it feels great. Decklist: [deck] Creatures 4 Monastery Swiftspear 4 Seeker of the Way 4 Goblin Rabblemaster Non-creatures 4 Chained to the Ro...
by BrainsickHater
Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:56 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143088

I see some Satyr Firedancer lists and some not Satyr Firedancer lists. What are peeps' opinions?

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